How much do you really know about your car insurance company? For a business that promises to cover your most valuable assets, there’s probably a lot you don’t know about your insurer. At Budget Insurance, we want you to be informed about us – that means the good, the bad, and the ugly. We think transparency about what we do and don’t do is the best way for you to get the cover that fulfills your needs.
In fact, we’re going to give you the low-down on everything you need to know about car insurers in South Africa in general. So, in your quest for an affordable car insurance quote, why not read through our guide below? We can help you identify everything you need to know about the insurance companies you’re considering. That way, you know what you’re getting before you even start a quote.
We look at the kinds of products and benefits every insurer should offer. A wide range of car insurance products, assist benefits, and allowing you to put other drivers on your policy is a good place to start. We give you tips on where you can find reviews on the different car insurers in South Africa. After all, word-of-mouth is still the best way to find out just how reliable a company is.
It’s also important to know how long it takes for your insurance company to settle a claim. You don’t want to be stuck without a car for ages waiting for a final decision on the outcome of your claim.
Lastly, we talk about how you should find out if they cover the cost of towing after an accident, as well as the costs for safe storage. These are the kinds of expenses that add up quickly, so it’s a good idea to double-check with your insurer if they cover these.
If a car in South Africa is lost, stolen, damaged in an accident, or by a natural event, our comprehensive insurance cover will cover it. If you damage someone else’s vehicle, we will cover that too.
At Budget Insurance South Africa, you’re spoilt for choice when it comes to car cover. Learn all about our Car cover types and find out which is right for you.
We share all the tricks in the book to find the best deal on your cover when you compare car insurance quotes.
Choose Budget insurance company and get access to our wide range of Assist Benefits – get help on the road, at home, and in medical emergencies.
You can choose to add Cash Back Bonus to your Car Cover. Get 15% of your premiums paid over the first two years back if you remain claim-free.
You’re bound to find something for your budget because you can choose from seven levels of affordable cover with us.
Get a car insurance quote online and save up to 20% with Budget Insurance